CPI Investigations is a licensed and bonded investigative firm

Background Checks

Anything You Need To Know?


Call us now for a confidential consultation 212-822-3424

It has become more important than ever for corporations to be mindful of whom they hire. It is commonplace for many candidates to fudge on their applications. Some may also be covering up drug or other felony offenses. The safest method to avoid the pitfalls of a bad hire is to engage an experienced investigative agency.

Yes, there are cheap, on-line search mills that churn out weak, unreliable reports. The chances are the results will be weak and unreliable hires. At CPI Investigations we have an experienced and well proven team of people who will put their best efforts into reliable reporting. Your needs and budget requirements will be matched up to create a customized system.

CPI serves many industries and types of situations including: healthcare, trucking, financial, legal, manufacturing, service industries, jewelry, armored car, banking and private searches for Pre-Nuptial and other personal needs. Make sure that executive, middle manager or key employee is the right one for your business.

For those who may want extra security we also offer Pre-Employment Interviews, Polygraph Examinations, and Drug Screening.

We have two convenient offices. One in (Manhattan) NYC at 275 Seventh Ave and one 0n Rt 35, in Wall, New Jersey. We are very flexible and can perform interviews and exams in our offices or at your location.


CPI Investigations in conjunction with Quest Diagnostic Labs, can offer drug screening at our location or at your sight filtering out illegal drug users and discouraging substance abuse among employees.


CPI’s seasoned security investigative interview experts will conduct pre-employment interviews on potential employees in order to obtain the information you need to make an informed hiring decision.